Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We were so excited about our 1st doctors appt today at Eglin. We got to hear the babies heartbeat and we got to see our beautiful baby waving his or her hand at us and telling us hi. It was so cute. The babies heart rate today was at 167, and everything was great. I hope that everyone enjoys the pictures that we recieved today, I know that we can't stop looking at them.
This week has been a fun and interesting week. This picture was taken at 9 weeks and 6 days, we had a busy week with saying goodbye to some friends that are processing out to another location.

How far along?  9 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain: 1-3 lbs
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but a couple of pants and shorts are starting to fit snug.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Besides getting up to go to the bathroom every couple of hours it has been great.
Best moment this week: Getting to eat lumpia at my friends house, I always ask her to make it and she finally made some for me! Yay
Miss anything? Nothing really
Movement: Not yet but I will be excited when it does happen
Food Cravings: none yet
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have actually been really lucky and not felt queasy or sick.
Gender: We should know around week 20.
Symptoms: Some backache at night but nothing out of the ordinary.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: goes back and forth
Looking forward to: Our 1st appt tomorrow! Yay

Thursday, May 10, 2012



I figured that Ben and I would document my growing bump each week via this amazing chalkboard I came across at a antique store. This is the first picture that we have taken and it is 8 weeks and 1 day. I wouldn't say that it is necessarily a cute baby bump yet. The estimated due date that we have at this point is December 19, 2012. We are both very excited. Our first appointment to see the doctor will be in a little less than 2 weeks on May 23rd. So far I have not craved anything, unless I see someone eating a certain food that of course we do not have in the house on TV.  However, my energy level has def been low. Sleeping really late or taking a nap seems like a necessity at this point. I will be very happy when I get some energy back (I am sure that Ben will also). This is the first time that I have ever blogged about anything and I am still getting that feel for it. However, expect new pictures every week and here is to our happy and exciting journey.