Tuesday, June 19, 2012

13 Weeks

Sorry about week 12, I thought that I had taken a picture but it turns out I did not. During week 12 I had a lot going on. I went to the grocery store and came home to find a snake in our backyard. Skippy (our dog) was trying to play with it and I was freaking out. Needless to say when someone else got here the snake was nowhere to be found.

This picture was taken in the middle of the day at 13 weeks and 6 days. As you can tell there is a little small bump there. Ben keeps asking me when its going to get big and I keep saying hopefully not till the end. We are both very excited and have decided that we are going to find out the sex of the baby. I have some friends saying boy and some friends saying girl from their experiences. I am lucky that I have not had any morning sickness throughout the first trimester and now we are heading into the second trimester. Time seems to be going by really fast and before we know it we will be at our second doctors appointment on July 3rd.

*How far along? 13 weeks and 6 days
*Total weight gain?  Still saying 125.5 till we go to the doctor again
*Maternity clothes? I purchased a bella band from target and am wearing it with almost everything so that I will not have to button my shorts.
*Stretch marks? Nope
*Sleep: I am a stomach sleeper so it is getting more difficult. I am almost completely on my side. We are going to go this weekend and see what this pregnancy pillow is about and see if it helps any.
*Best moment of the week: Being the last week in the 1st trimester.
*Miss Anything? I love sushi and my favorite kind I can't have because it's not cooked. But they do make some that is cooked so I will just have to adjust for now.
*Movement: Not yet but it should happen in just a couple of more weeks!
*Food Cravings? I have had a couple of hotdogs, which I hate and boy have they been good.
*Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing
*Gender: Our appt will be close to week 20, but Ben and I are thinking about paying to get a more personal one done a little after week 16.
*Symptoms: The only major thing that has changed is I have acne everywhere. It has never been anywhere but on my face so my body is def in pregnancy mode.
*Belly button in or out? In
*Wedding rings on or off? On
*Happy or moody most of the time: I believe happy, but I can def be moody at this point.
*Looking forward to: My mom and aunt are coming this weekend and saying hello to the 2nd trimester.

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