Monday, September 3, 2012

22 Weeks

These pictures were taken at 22 weeks at Mae Rebecca's Wedding in Orlando Florda! August 17th and 18th.

*How far along? 22 Weeks
*Total weight gain?  From 125 to 138 so about 13lbs so far.
*Maternity Clothes? All the time unless we are just staying in the house.
*Stretch Marks? Nope
*Sleep: Sometimes it is good and sometimes bad.
*Best moment of the week: Visiting with family and being in Orlando at the wedding.
*Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach.
*Movement? He started moving so you can feel him kicking on the outside whenever I lay down and get ready for bed.
*Food Cravings: I love chocolate ice cream!!!!
*Anything making you queasy or sick: Not at this point.
*Gender: It's a Boy!!!
*Labor signs: None
*Symptoms: Some heartburn nothing really though.
*Belly Button in or out? At this point it looks like there is just nothing where my belly button was.
*Wedding rings on or off? On still but every once in a while my hands swell.
*Happy or moody most of the time: Happy I would say.
*Looking forward to: The third trimester and our sweet baby boy being here.

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